Monday, December 16, 2013

Sketchy McSketcherton!

I'm about as stretched for time as I've ever been, and I know I didn't write a post last week due to time constraints, so this is what I can get out while on the 15-minute computer at the library.

Training in Helsinki was great. I had to wake up at the crack of dawn (well, before. This IS Finland!) to get on a plane to fly down there, but it all went pretty well. We did a lot of role plays about various situations, and President Rawlings answered a lot of our questions. It was great to see people from the MTC again. Sisar Vath and I stayed in Espoo with Sisar Knapp and her trainer. Sisar Knapp and I did an exchange together, and it was amazing to see how we could stretch ourselves without having our trainers with us. She was amazing, to put it in few words. She took charge of things in an inspiring way. While I was with her, we got to walk to the temple grounds, and teach a new convert lesson. He's from a country where religion doesn't much exist, so it's a different experience getting things to relate to him. Also, teaching in English. Weird. Some of us sang a song for the group, and since my fellow alto was suddenly struck with a sore throat, I ended up doing a bit of a solo. Ahhhh!

Helsinki is a beautiful city, but I missed Oulu a lot. I missed being on a bike, despite the snow and ice. I missed the wonderful members who do so much for us.

It's harder and harder to find people, since many are leaving for the holiday season, and almost nobody seems to be out on the streets anymore. But we do what we can. I've been blessed to get better at contacting, which is something I don't particularly enjoy, but is becoming less and less scary for me. I actually feel like a missionary now. I'm really just now realizing what people say when they talk about this work being the greatest work there is. I wonder how I will feel when I get to see somebody I've worked with get baptized? I pray every day to see this happen, and things are going slowly, but we are seeing small miracles, so I'm trying my best to not be discouraged, and to find reasons why Heavenly Father has sent me to this place, with these people.

Speaking of which, Sisar Vath and I will be in Oulu for another 9 weeks. She's already been here 9 months, so I'm going to do all I can to help her to see Oulu with fresh eyes, and to find renewed purpose in serving here. I'm looking forward to the challenges that being here during the coldest months of the year will bring me, because I know that I will grow a lot in many ways. I'm overcoming physical fears and weaknesses, which in turn helps me to overcome spiritual weakness.

The title of this blog refers to a particularly off-beat language study we had the other day. Sisar Vath went over with me some of her favorite English phrases (like, "I call shotgun!") and she asked me what "sketchy Mcsketcherton" means. Apparently, another missionary had taught her this one a while ago. I tried to explain, but there's no real way to sum it up in just a few words. She taught me "Kauhistuksen kanahäkki!" which literally means, "Chicken coop of terror!" but is something that older people use to say, "Oh my goodness!" I'll probably drop it in a conversation at some point with some native Finns and see how they react. She also taught me, "I have a chicken to pluck with you", which means, "I have a bone to pick with you", but I can't think of all the words in Finnish right now.

My 15 minutes are up, so I must sadly end this week's email much earlier than I had hoped. Next week I'll be able to talk a lot about Christmas preparations and various kinds of gifts, which is pretty exciting. I've already found myself unexpectedly blessed.

The more I do this work, the more I know that Heavenly Father loves me, and everyone on this earth. His plan for His children is based on pure love, and I get to teach that every single day! I can't think of a better way to celebrate this sacred season. How lucky am I?

Sisar Hansen

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